Dear Parent/Guardian,
The Spring 2024 Georgia Milestone Assessment scores for the content area of mathematics for all grade levels can be viewed in the parent and student portal of Infinite Campus.
Scores from the Spring 2024 administration for Grades 3-8, End of Grade (EOG) and high school, End of Course (EOC) mathematics courses are now available. Scores will only be available for students who completed the mathematics EOG and/or EOC Algebra Concepts and Connections during the Spring 2024 administration.
This year, math assessments were revised to align with the new Georgia K-12 Mathematics Standards. As a result of the standard setting process, the release of Math test results was delayed. Full Individual Student Reports (ISRs) will be available this fall in the Parent Portal, under the SLDS Portal tab in Quick Links.
To access your child's scores on Infinite Campus, follow these steps after logging in to your Parent Portal:
- Then click “ASSESSMENTS” (EOG 4/08/2024, EOC 4/15/2024)
§ To access an EOC/EOG letter explaining math scores, please click on the Documents tab
§ To access your Parent Portal, or to create an account, visit